Julia for Oceanography
This pages makes an inventory of the ocean-related packages in Julia
File I/O
NCDatasets.jl: Load and create netCDF files in Julia.
MAT.jl: module for reading MATLAB files.
CSV.jl: working with CSV and other delimited files.
JSON.jl: JSON file.
GeoJSON.jl: working with GeoJSON data.
ODVspreadsheet.jl: read ODV (Ocean DataView) spreadsheet (text files).
NCODV.jl: read ODV netCDF files.
ArchGDAL.jl: geoTIFF (among others).
Shapefile.jl: parsing .shp
Available in Julia standard library:
DelimitedFiles: reading and writing delimited files (CSV, TSV, …).
PhysOcean.jl: utility functions for physical oceanography (properties of seawater, air-sea heat fluxes,…)
ClimateTools.jl: tools in Climate science such as regridding or netCDF reading.
Unitful.jl: physical quantities with arbitrary units.
Spatial interpolation
DIVAnd.jl: n-dimensional variational analysis of arbitrarily located observations in complex geometries.
GeoStats.jl: extensible framework for high-performance geostatistics.
Interpolations.jl: fast, continuous interpolation of discrete datasets provided on a (irregular) grid.
GridInterpolations.jl: multidimensional grid interpolation in arbitrary dimensions.
Numerical models
Oceananigans.jl: incompressible fluid flow solver.
Plots.jl: visualizations and data analysis.
PyPlot.jl: plotting based on matplotlib.pyplot
Gadfly.jl: Crafty statistical graphics.